First word.
Saturday, March 21st, 2020
What’s the first word of this very website’s title?
I’ve been paging through the past couple of weeks of posts, and holy moly. Yee gads. Yikes-a-mundo. Lamenting and fighting, lunacy and tempers boiling over.
And if I just sat here and opened up a nice new empty window and started writing what I was experiencing, thinking about, feeling over these last 24 hours or so…well, it just wouldn’t be that positive, would it?
We’re fine. I’m fine. There’s plenty of fine-ness within 6 square meters or so of our home.
We’re watching comedy on Netflix (at the moment.) I have chuckled maybe a half-dozen times in the last 10 minutes. Mmmm, feels good.
That’s a positive thing, right?