Messes tracked.
Thursday, February 6th, 2020
Atlanta is having one of those winters where we get a lot (and I mean a lot) of rain, often as part of a pretty powerful cold front that spins off high winds and tornadoes and Severe Weather Update Bulletin 3D Doppler Special Coverage that tracks the system as it comes in (inevitably) from Alabama, causes havoc big and small, and then, leaves to cause more messes first in Athens, Georgia and then in South Carolina or the Smoky Mountains.
Reporters are then deployed to say “look at this flooded road” and “look at this huge tree on this house.” Take a look from News Drone Severe Flying Doohickie 2!
Yeah, trees, floods, seen those things before.
Flooding in Northwest Ohio in January 2008.
We had that today through a big chunk of today, and at the end of the day, I can barely remember much of what we did except that it was done on top of a very drippy very rainy backdrop.
I’ll sleep better tonight, I think.