In the gulf.
Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

Way, way, way back in 1999 I did some spinny blue turbulent hurricane promo graphics for KTRK, Channel 13 in Houston so if a hurricane threatened Houston or the Gulf Coast generally, the TV station would be prepared with flashy graphics that were, well somewhat sober because people’s lives were at stake.
I remember that they started with the matter-of-fact “there’s a hurricane in the gulf.”
Well, tonight there’s a hurricane in the gulf, designated ‘Laura’ for reasons meteorlogical, and it’s headed right for the small towns and low, surge-susceptible bays of Louisiana, just east of the Texas-Louisiana border.
Laura is supposed to make landfall past midnight, and I’m thinking of the many folks in those towns, making their living growing sugarcane, repairing boats and ships of all sizes, and, of course, from the petrochemical industry that is tucked away in the bays south of Port Charles and along the coast into Texas.
We drove unhurriedly through the towns on back roads and US 90 in December of last year headed from New Orleans, skirting the top of the Houston megasprawl, to Austin. Be safe, Louisianans, Texans, and others in the storm’s path.